
Showing posts from December, 2022

Final Research Papers

      1   21 November 2022   Dance in the Classroom   Lauren Tierney               Everyone can dance. Growing up in a strict dance studio, I was introduced to the idea of the “prima ballerina.” Tall, slender, and flexible, she was the image of what every young girl, dreaming of being a professional dancer, strove to achieve. However, as dance pervades into our social circles through social media, society is beginning to recognize the importance of dance. In this course, we introduced the concept of incorporating dance lessons into the regular school curriculum. While more traditional educationalists may scoff at the idea of including dance alongside reading and math, the testimonials shared with us by dance teachers within public schools showcase the power of dance in the lives of young students. In this paper, I will further develop this concept by exploring the ways in which dance and movement can benefit students physically, mentally, and socially.               The most