Mid-term Quiz



1. Compare your ideal studio with the standards provided by the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) as stated in the Opportunity to Learn Standards for Dance. (Go to the link below; scroll down to page 20/Facilities).



NDEO National Standards 


2. Explain why your teaching philosophy is so important for your practice as a dance teacher?


3. Please, briefly articulate in writing your Teaching Philosophy Statement.


4. What is the main difference between a mission statement and a vision statement?


5. Why is the student-centered approach to teaching such an important pedagogic concept?


6. How would you define kinesthetic learning?


7. The Final Workshop Report: Art, Creativity and Learning (2008), sponsored by the National    Science Foundation, highlights the importance of Dance for the Science of Learning. Please, go to page 4 and summarize in your own words how dance influences the brain of a child.



Final Workshop Report (2008)


8. Which learning theory do you think best applies to your teaching style? Explain.


9. Why is the brain dance a useful warm-up for dance students of all ages and abilities?


10. Explain the kinesthetic loop in your own words.




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