Master Class with Carol Kaminsky / Teaching Dance to Kindergardeners


 Socio-Emotional Issues (Integration of Social Skills with Movement)


  • Engagement
  • Self-Control
  • Attunement
  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Regulation
  • Impulse Control
  • Sensory Integration
  • Awareness of Others
  • Role Playing and Inclusion
  • Communication
  • Self-Soothing
  • Learning Concepts
  • Mastery of Motor Skills 


Question 1

Name one issue, from the ones listed above, which you think is the most relevant in the integration of social skills and body movement. Explain.


Dance Concepts







Question 2

Why are these concepts so important when teaching dance, no matter the technique, style or movement system? 



Lesson Plan




1. Warm Up

2. Exploring the Concept

3. Developing Skills

4. Creating

5. Cooling Down 


Question 3

What parts of the lesson plan we have become familiar with in class correspond to the part listed above by Professor Kaminsky?




Moving / The Brain Dance 




It facilitates connecting with one's own body.

It allows group attunement 

It makes possible the child's individuation

It is open to all children including those with various exceptionalities

Question 4

Explain in your own words the benefits of the Brain Dance.


Examples of Instructional Ideas


 Teacher moves child

Socks as puppets 

Moving body parts like marionettes

Balancing on chairs

Moving like robots

 Moving around a hat

Dancing in pairs

Moving freely


Question 5

What other instrumental ideas can you think of? Mention qat least 3 more. 


Choreographed Dance

Cumbia: La Pollera Colora

Competencies: Costuming, partnering,dancing (to tempo, rhythm, beat), learning lyrics in Spanish, learning about Colombian culture.

"La Pollera Colorá" is a Colombian cumbia song. It was composed in 1960 as an instrumental by clarinetist Juan Madera Castro.


Question 6

What would be the purpose of choreographed dance for children from 3=5 years of age?




Developing Skills while Moving

Round mats: with young children, it helps to create focus using round mats that can be placed on the floor. The mats create a sense of personal space that they can leave and comeback to.

Chiffon Scarves: These help children create movement with their arms. It also allows them to play with each other as they exchange the scarves as they throw them in the air.

Plastic Scarves: These make a sound and so as children move them, they can also create rhythm. They can also make them fly like a kite.


Question 7

Based on your experience, how do these ideas above facilitate dance learning?




Question 8

Write a reflection about the ideas shared by Professor Kaminsky in the video above.







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