
Showing posts from November, 2022

7th Set of Mini-Lessons / I am Not a Dancer & A Degree in Dance Ed.

   I     Mini-Lessons Melody Muniz Jordan Hannah      II       Question 1 Based on Elena Lambrinos' presentation, w hy is the inclusion / exclusion dichotomy such an important aspect to think about in dance education?   III A Degree in Dance Ed.       Question 2     After watching these videos, would you consider Dance Education as a subject of study for Graduate School? Explain your answer.   IV     Rhee Gold - Building Your Enrollment and Marketing Your Business Rhee Gold is passionate about dance education and the business of teaching dance. As a pioneer in the field, Gold is taking his unique insight to the world of podcasts. Listen as he helps dance teachers and studio owners achieve their dreams.  ------------------ Question 3 What aspects of Gold's advise resonate with your ideas about building your enrollment and marketing your own school?

6th Set of Mini-lessons / Dance for Children with Disabilites

  I Mini-lessons   Jasmine Morales Ana Sofia Porras II Music and Motion Helps Disabled Children   Embody Dance  - Tiger Feet Dance & Disability Classes  for Children with Learning Disabilities.     These Kids With Disabilities Are Getting To Dance Like Never Before    ----------------------------------------   III   Question About this 3 videos; what would you say is the main objective of teaching dance to children with disabilities? Explain    

Short Research Paper / Assignment

        RUBRIC Research Paper (10%) You will write a two-page paper in which you will choose a topic related to Dance Education and use secondary sources (books, journals, websites) to illustrate, express and justify your point. (Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font) (No emphasis on grammar or spelling, but on expression of ideas and feelings about dance education, your experience in class, and the secondary sources you choose to cite). Organization: (2pts)   Introduction (What are you writing about?) (.5) Main Idea (The core of your paper (.5) Body (Three paragraphs / Support your idea) (.5) Conclusion (Re-state what you wrote about) (.5)   Coherence (2 pts) [Does your paper make sense]   Content (2 pts) [Have you used ideas from class, form secondary sources]   Integration (2 pts) [How well have you integrated experience in class with facts from secondary sources]   Authenticity (2 pts) [How honest is your paper based on your experience in clas

6th Set of Mini-Lessons / Natural Somatic Healing for Children

 I   Mini-Lessons Lauren Tierney Jordyn Solages   II   Natural Somatic Healing for Children with Special Needs & Disabilities     Questions 1. About this video; what would you say is the main objective of Adapted Spiral Praxis? Explain 2. How does it relate to dance education?

Fifth Set of Mini-Lessons / Teaching Children a Creative Ballet Lesson

   I  Mini-Lessons Alyssa Arroyo Kimeria Baraso     II       Dance Teacher Web Presents Young Children's Dance Lesson is the LEADER in Online Dance Teacher Education with 900+ videos, 100's of Lesson Plans, and Teaching Tips;.     Question About this video; do you think her mode of instruction is truly effective when teaching ballet technique to children. Justify your answer.    

Fourth Set of Mini-Lessons / Creative Dance for Children / Campus will be Closed

  I Minilessons   Sierra Maziur Ballet   II    Video     Hampshire College • Mettler Archive • Creative Dance for Children, pt. 1 This Hampshire College's video shows the creative dance process back when no one was doing it. It illustrates Laban's movement theories. It looks and sound dated, but it is nevertheless an important reference for dance teachers looking for creative ways of teaching authentic movement.       III     Questions  a) Please, give your feedback about this historic video. b) How would you adapt it in order to be used to teach children today?     IV    ----------------------------------------------------------- Students' Work   -----------------------------------------------

Third Set of Mini-lessons / Kids Yoga

  I   Mini-lessons  Sophia Sturek Lexi Zisselman   II     Yoga is an ancient movement system that can be taught to all ages.  I have had so much fun watching this video. I hope you also enjoy it. Question: Based on the approach of this teacher:  What age group and/or grade level is her target audience?  Why do you think so?  How would you adapt hers lesson to your own style. Explain   III   LESSON PLANS  

Mini-lesson 3 / Calming Exercises

   I   Check In   II   Mini-Lesson   Colette Shea III   Questions After watching the video, what tools can we develop to engage young children ? Please, write a reflection on how this video can improve online dance/movement instruction for children.