
Showing posts from October, 2022

Mini-lessons 1 & 2 / Creative Movement

I   Mini-Lessons by Julia Artieda Haley Traub   Activity 1   Students write their feedback about Julias's and Haley;s lessons using affirmations.     II     Music & Dance Question 2 Why are these music props important for dance teachers?     III   Emergency Lesson Song-Dance Question 3 Which are the possible scenarios in which you would use recorded songs like this one?   ------------------------     IV         Creative Movement and Dance - Teaching Strategies Video Concepts Patterns Outlines Steps Main Objectives and Teaching Strategies 1) Community Circle Dance Understanding group activities and working toward a shared goal. 2) Mirroring Understanding non-verbal cues and spontaneity 3) Understanding Improvisation and Play. 4) Energy and Emotions Recognizing and expressing emotions. 5) Patterns Making inferences ---------------------------------   V   ACTIVITY 2 Students will create groups of 5. They will each choose one of the objectives ab

Master Class: Guest Speaker Gerri barreras / Teaching Dance in a Private School Setting

 1. What makes a teacher memorable? Having the knowledge Loving your craft Connections/ Students' Engagement 2. Stand up and flow in your own style of dance. 3. What do you wast out of this class today? 4. Community Service: She creates ways for students to be seen.     Performing at nursing homes 5. Abilities to lead themselves and spotting students who are she. THEMES Fire Stars  Pieces Connections Art and Choreography Project Costuming Lighting Creating a Dance  Have a Calendar  Mark out important dates.  Questions 1.What are the barriers in dancing? Personal and intrapersonal barriers to dance participation include poor self-esteem and communication abilities, reduced motor skills, low baseline levels of physical activity, and feelings of exclusion (Ito, Hiramoto and Kodama 2017;Whatley 2007). 2. How are you going to overcome barriers in teaching dance?   One of the most effective means of overcoming barriers to dance training appears to be the establishment of local and nat

Master Class: Guest Speaker Denzel Wiliams / Teaching Dance in a Public School Setting

    I   Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Junior High  Question 1 Go to the schools website. Check the schools mission and vision statements and restate them in your own words.    II   Introduction   III New Teacher Induction   Mint 2.0 Program Question 2 Go to the website for New Teacher Induction. Explain the purpose of  this program. IV   Challenges faced by D. Williams Space and infrastructure issues Making people understand the ins and out of the dance profession Recruitment Commitment Making my own space     Question 3   What other challenges could be added to the list shared by Mr. Williams?

Assessment: The Elements of Dance

    I Warm Up   II ELEMENTS OF DANCE   Video         III   Based on the videos above, write a lesson plan where you teach one element of dance. IV Assessment Types of Assessment Diagnostic : It takes place at the beginning of the unit. Formative : It evaluates the process. It does not grade. Summative: This evaluation depends on the part of the unit where it is required based on the achievement criteria.    V   Evaluation Indicators : Points or percentage   VI   Evaluation Agents (Who evaluates?)   Co-Evaluation:  Among the students Letter Evaluation: By the teacher Self-Evaluation: By the student   VII   Activity   Students create groups, teach the elements of dance in order to evaluate their learning process.

Unit Plan: Benefits

      I   Warm Up   II    Ideas       Who am I teaching?   What am I teaching?   How will I teach it?   How will I know if the students understand?      III     Planning and Organizing Instruction     IV   Benefits of Unit Planning  Link:        V     How To create a Unit Plan: Tips Link:      VI    Working on Unit Plan   VII Unit Plan   VIII   Instructional Unit Plan DANCE ------------------------------------------- I. Classroom Information Subject Area: dance arts Grade Level: II. Unit Summary III. Building the Foundation a) Habits of Learning Taxonomy Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Problem Solving Thinking Flexibility b) Standards IV. Benchmarks for Dance Literacy V. Learning Objectives VI. Curriculum Framing Questions VII. Student Assessment VIII. Being Dance Elements One Piece: Project Description Research Question Prac

Master Class with Carol Kaminsky / Teaching Dance to Kindergardeners

  I   Socio-Emotional Issues (Integration of Social Skills with Movement)   Engagement Self-Control Attunement Self-Awareness Self-Regulation Impulse Control Sensory Integration Awareness of Others Role Playing and Inclusion Communication Self-Soothing Learning Concepts Mastery of Motor Skills    Question 1 Name one issue, from the ones listed above, which you think is the most relevant in the integration of social skills and body movement. Explain.  II Dance Concepts   Space Time Force Body   Question 2 Why are these concepts so important when teaching dance, no matter the technique, style or movement system?   III   Lesson Plan   Date:   1. Warm Up 2. Exploring the Concept 3. Developing Skills 4. Creating 5. Cooling Down    Question 3 What parts of the lesson plan we have become familiar with in class correspond to the part listed above by Professor Kaminsky?   IV   Moving / The Brain Dance      Benefits It facilitates connecting with one's own body. It allows group attunement  I

Movement Qualities and Movement Metaphors

 Announcement Signing for Mini-lessons  Pending Action Plan   I    Warm Up II Review K-12 Curriculum Correlated to the Sunshine State Standards and the Grade Level Expectations  This website above is the Bible of a teacher.   So, follow the steps:   a) go to volume III, b) click on DANCE. c) click on the grade level of your choice. You will find three columns: one is the component, the other the objective and the other is the competency. d) Choose the component, according to what you want to teach. The objective and the competency are automatically derived from it. So, e) Choose the objective, f) Choose the competency.   III Video 1 Question 1 List the qualities of movement shown in the video above.     IV   Video 2 Question 2 What movement metaphors is the teaching calling for in the video above? Please, list them. Question 3 Compare and contrast the class in the first video with the class in the second video in terms of age group, a

The Action Plan

I   Warm Up   II   Video   III      Action Plan (In general) Your Beliefs One Classroom Rule Class Procedures (Schedule) Minute to Minute 30 Classroom Procedures ------------------------------- Positive Consequences Free and Short term Intermitten Monthly and Once a Year Correcting Behavior ( Behavior Contracts) The Finale Develop, Teach, Share, Review ---------------------       IV   Action Plan (In detail) Our Class at a Glance Introduce your philosophy of teaching Our Rule Respect Others Our Class Procedures Create Schedule First (Monday - Friday / 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Choose from the website the Class Procedures. See how they benefit the child and why. Positive Consequences Free and frequent, Intermittent, Strong and Long Term First Week, First Day - Minute by Minute Write about every minute that you are accounted for, even class,